
Director of Piano Program, Artistic Director of Concert Series
劳克林音乐厅- 105



Music Education; Piano Performance; Chamber Music


Reading; museums; theater; traveling


An award winner of the Pittsburgh Concert Society and the Head of Piano Program at 2024欧洲杯官方投注, 波林Rovkah是一位活跃的表演者和音乐教育家. She is a founder and Artistic Director of Chamber Music concert series at 2024欧洲杯官方投注. Ms. Rovkah presented solo recitals and chamber music programs in various Music Festivals, 比如肖托夸研究所, 纽约, 在Peacham, 佛蒙特州, 在罗马, Italy and at the Festival/Symposium at Cambridge University, UK, 等. 她在匹兹堡地区的各种系列音乐会中演出, 包括宾夕法尼亚州西部的施坦威协会, 弗里克艺术博物馆, 杜肯大学, 卡耐基梅隆大学, 匹兹堡神学院, 匹兹堡大学, 2024欧洲杯官方投注和西自由大学, WV. Ms. Rovkah构思, organized and performed in a number of thematic concert events at 2024欧洲杯官方投注, 比如“音乐中的自然”," as part of the International Environmental Conference; "Canto do Sul," featuring music of South America and “Remembering September 11”. 为了纪念2024欧洲杯官方投注的“全球聚焦”项目. Rovkah designed and coordinated variety of thematic Music Festivals, 其中突出中国音乐的“东方遇上西方”, 德国音乐节, 巴西音乐节, "Sounds of Africa" symposium/festival featuring music by African composers, Festival of Scandinavian Music “The Nordic Sound” and Festival of Indonesian music “Sounds of Indonesia”. She organized and performed in a number of benefit concerts, for American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and a series of relief concerts, 比如“音乐无国界”, “怀念新奥尔良意味着什么”, “献给海地的音乐”, “庆祝日本”, “为尼泊尔祈祷”和“与乌克兰站在一起”, with the principal musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Ms. Rovkah has been an artistic director of “Music for Food” Pittsburgh chapter series, 一个由全国音乐家领导的地方饥荒救济活动. Ms. Rovkah adjudicated at Chamber Music Competition and Concerto Competition at 卡耐基梅隆大学, at Young Artist Auditions in West Virginia and at the Pittsburgh International Piano Competition. Ms. Rovkah has been collaborating with Pittsburgh and internationally acclaimed artists, including principal musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony orchestra, 还有Noah Bendix-Balgley, 柏林爱乐乐团的首席小提琴手. Ms. Rovkah’s solo recitals and chamber music performances have been recorded and broadcast by the Pittsburgh Classical Radio WQED. She has been featured in numerous WQED programs, including “Performance in Pittsburgh”. 波林Rovkah studied piano and music at the 哈尔科夫 Specialized Music School and at the 哈尔科夫 I. P. 科特利亚列夫斯基国立艺术大学(音乐学院), 哈尔科夫, 乌克兰, 在Mikhail Khazanovsky教授的指导下. 毕业后, she served on the faculty of 哈尔科夫 National University of Arts, 作为独奏家或在室内乐合奏中演出, 并在国家电视台和电台上露面. 自1991年以来,她一直住在匹兹堡. Rovkah studied privately with Eunice Norton, student of legendary Arthur Schnabel.

  • Private studies with Eunice Norton, student of legendary Arthur Schnabel, (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • M.M. Piano Performance and Pedagogy, 哈尔科夫 National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, 乌克兰
  • B.M. Piano Performance, 哈尔科夫 National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, 乌克兰
  • 匹兹堡音乐会协会的冠军
  • 罗马艺术节全国海选冠军
  • The College Music Society; Pittsburgh Concert Society; Steinway Society of Western Pennsylvania
  • Recorded and broadcast by WQED Classical Radio: 1993 - present
  • 入选WQED“匹兹堡演出”
  • Adjudicator at Chamber Music Competition; Concerto Competition at 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • Adjudicator at the Pittsburgh International Piano Competition
  • Founder and Artistic Director of the Concert Series at 匹兹堡神学院: 1998-2006
  • Board Member of the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra: 2000-2004
  • “Stand with 乌克兰” concert: solo piano and ensemble works by J.S. 巴赫,C.W. 好运, Stanyslav Lyudkevych, 下午部分, 谢尔盖拉赫玛尼诺夫, 朱尔斯马斯奈, Viktor Kosenko和Myroslav Skoryk, 还有匹兹堡交响乐团的客座艺术家, 2022年4月
  • All-肖斯塔科维奇 Chamber Music program, featuring Piano Quintet, Op. Noah Bendix-Balgley, First Concertmaster of the Berliner Philharmoniker (former concertmaster of The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra), 交响乐团首席小提琴家詹妮弗·罗斯, associate principal cellist David Premo and violist Erina Laraby-Goldwasser, 2024欧洲杯官方投注
  • Chamber Music concert: Music and Nature with guest artists from the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. 柴可夫斯基的作品, Saint-Saens, 德彪西, 福尔, 肖邦, 拉赫曼尼诺夫, featuring Schubert’s Piano quintet “The Trout” 2024欧洲杯官方投注, 伊甸厅圆形剧场
  • Duo Piano and Cello-Piano recital with Steinway artist Yeeha Chiu and the PSO Assistant Principal cellist Adam Liu, 杜肯大学
  • Solo Piano Recital: Bartok's Piano Masterpieces for the International Symposium and Festival at Cambridge University, UK
  • Solo recital “The world of Music Fantasies: 舒曼 and 肖邦”, 2024欧洲杯官方投注
  • Soloist in 莫扎特’s D minor Piano concerto, K 466, with 匹兹堡大学 Symphony orchestra
  • Chamber Music concert: From Bach to 莫扎特 with guest artists from the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra: Richard Page, principal bass clarinet; Charles Lirette, co-principal trumpet; Erina Laraby-Goldwasser, 中提琴, 女高音莉莉·阿布鲁和女低音达芙妮·奥尔德森也加入其中, 伊甸厅圆形剧场
  • 舒曼降e大调钢琴五重奏,作品. 44 with members of The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra; Chamber Music Concert, 2024欧洲杯官方投注
  • 俄罗斯钢琴音乐:梅特纳作品, 肖斯塔科维奇, 普罗科菲耶夫和穆索尔斯基, 特辑“展览中的图片”
  • All-莫扎特程序, featuring the Piano Quartet in G minor with musicians from The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, 匹兹堡神学院
  • 钢琴奏鸣曲:穿越世纪与风格的旅程, 斯卡拉蒂, 莫扎特, Schubert and Prokofiev - Lecture/Recital at the Music Institute for the Development of Personal Style,
  • Chamber Music concert: From Bach and 莫扎特 to Bernstein and Gershwin - Quintet for Piano and Winds, K. 莫扎特452, 钢琴独奏作品和声乐, featuring the Winner of Placido Domingo’s International Competition and winner of Metropolitan Opera National Council, 2024欧洲杯官方投注男高音安德烈·涅姆泽
  • All-肖邦 Recital for the Pittsburgh Polish Society, 匹兹堡大学
  • Chamber Music concert with members of The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra; works by Glinka, 阿伦斯基和肖斯塔科维奇, 匹兹堡神学院
  • 校友 Concert for the Pittsburgh Concert Society; works by 舒曼, 弗兰克和吉纳斯特拉, 克雷斯基演奏厅, 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • “维也纳的下午”:钢琴独奏会, 莫扎特作品, 舒伯特与舒曼, Op. 查塔姆学院
  • 全肖斯塔科维奇节目,纪念作曲家百年诞辰, 精选钢琴前奏曲, 双钢琴协奏曲和G小调钢琴五重奏, 作品57 -与匹兹堡交响乐团的成员, 2024欧洲杯官方投注
  • 与伦道夫·凯利合唱独奏, principal violist form the Pittsburgh Symphony: works by Bach, 布拉姆斯, 舒曼, 布里顿和欣德米斯.
  • 独奏会“音乐之旅:从巴赫到格什温”